Record Checks

Criminal Record Check applications are available online. Please proceed to "Apply for a Police Record Check Online" Please read through all questions to submit the application.

We continue to offer limited in-person appointments to accommodate those community members unable to apply online. We ask anyone capable of applying online to do so to keep appointments open for those with barriers to the online process. Appointments will not be offered to expedite the process. Please proceed to "Apply for a Police Record Check In Person" for further details.

Applications for Licensed Towing Firms are only accepted in-person. Contact the Records Unit at (705) 876-1122 x215 to book an appointment or email

Applications for Record Suspensions are accepted in-person or by mail.

1. Do you live within our jurisdiction (City of Peterborough, Village of Lakefield, Township of Cavan-Monaghan)? Map Unsure? The OPP have an interactive map here.

Proceed to Question #2
The Peterborough Police is unable to accept your application for a police record check as you are not a resident of our policing area. Please contact your local police service to obtain a police record check

2. Do you have the required identification?